Inspecting with GMS: Best Practices

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Inspecting with GMS: Best Practices. 1

Introduction: 4

Setting the Target Inspection State. 6

The Inspection Process. 9

Robot State: Initial 9

Robot State: Un-bagged. 14

Robot State: Weighed. 18

Robot State: Safety Checked (Deprecated) 22

Robot State: Qualification Checked. 30

Robot State: Playoff Checked. 35

Flag: Re-Inspection Required. 36

Flag: Re-Check Suggested. 40

Tips. 43



GMS brings a paperless variation to the traditional Robot Inspection process.  A key benefit is that all volunteers will have up-to-date Status and Notes on all inspections.  It makes the task of inspecting a lot more convenient.  Additional documentation include:

Setting up GMS for an event is typically not the LRI's task and is described elsewhere.  When GMS is used at an event, it is also used for Queue Management, Judging, Match Observing, etc.  Information is smoothly shared between the various volunteer roles.

 Setting the Target Inspection State

As the Event progresses, the LRI should advance the Target Inspection State. The states are:

Initial ą Un-bagged ą Weighed ą Safety Checked ą Qualifications Checked ą Playoff Checked

When most teams have reached a state, the LRI should advance the Target Inspection State to the next.  This is done by pressing the "Change" Current Event State button in the Inspection State screen on a Tablet OR the "Next State" button on the laptop.  RIs cannot change the Target State. 

The Target State affects the coloring of teams on the Tablet Pit Map:

The Inspection Process

Each Robot goes through the sequence of states, following the current Target Inspection State.

Robot State: Initial


Teams bring their robots into the Pit Area in the sealed bag.  They should be instructed to NOT unseal the robot until permitted to do so by a Robot Inspector. 

Team should ask to be queued for the next available RI.  The IM, LRI or any RI can add them to the GMS queue on the State screen (see screenshot above).  Press the green Confirm button when done.

The LRI or IM can assign RIs to teams, or a available RI can simply walk over to the next team that looks ready.  The queue is displayed at the bottom of the Pit Map screen and in Team Attributes view (Touch the column header to sort the Queue column.)

To advance the Robot State to Un-bagged:

  1. As a courtesy to the Event Pit Administrator, check if the Team has registered their arrival with them.  The Pit Admin would have given the team some sort of Welcome package.
  2. The RI/LRI should check the Robot Lockup Form.
  3. Compliant?

·         If NOT compliant, follow the painful process for Lockup Noncompliance. 

o   Mark team for Re-Inspection (Red)

o   Add a GMS note explaining the issue. 

o   Ask team to fill out a Robot Non-Compliance form.

o   Ask team to get back on the queue when they are done

o   The team is NOT allowed to un-bag or work on their robot during the process.

o   If the team was just plain careless, hassle them a bit for not being compliant.

·         If compliant, allow team to un-bag their robot and change their state to Un-bagged

o   Tell teams to take the Robot to Inspection station to get weighed.

Robot State: Un-bagged


Teams may un-bag and work on their robot to prepare for the event. 

Periodically remind them to go to the Inspection Station to get weighed. 

To advance to the next state (Weighed):

  1. Team must bring their robot to the Inspection Station and queue up for the Weighing Scale.
  2. RI, LRI or IM weighs the robot and the bumpers. 

·         Enter weights into GMS, even if they are over-weight.  The weights entered must be reasonable.  Use the State screen.

·         The IM may weigh the robot, but not inspect them or change Robot states. IM can enter Notes regarding the Robot.

·         GMS will automatically upgrade a state to Weighed when valid weights are entered.

  1. Measure robot sizes and verify basic perimeter rules. 

·         It is convenient to do this at the Inspection Station if a Sizing Box is used. 

·         Update GMS Inspection Checklist.

  1. Compliant?

·         If NOT compliant, tell the team to correct the issues and come back.

·         If compliant, change their state to Weighed

o   If team is ready to be Safety Checked, add them to the queue and assign a RI/LRI to them.

o   RIs may also perform basic safety checks now and jump the team state directly to Safety Checked.

Robot State: Weighed


GMS will not allow a robot to go past the Safety Checked state without being weighed. 

Queue Managers will not allow a robot into the Event Arena for Practice Matches until they are Safety Checked.

To advance to the next state (Safety Checked):

  1. RI or LRI performs the basic safety checks.  Enter data into GMS Inspection Checklist.  IMs should NOT perform these checks. 
  2. Safety Checks may be performed at the Inspection Station during weighing  OR  in the Team's Pit.
  3. If team was assigned to you, de-assign yourself.
  4. Compliant?

·         If NOT compliant, the team must correct the issues before they are allowed to participate in Practice Matches.  They may be allowed to the Practice Area, if one is available.

o   Use your judgment.  If a robot is safe, but has a compelling story for not meeting weight or perimeter rules, you could advance them to Safety Checked.

·         If compliant, the team state is advanced to Safety Checked.

o   If team is ready to be Qualification Checked, add them to the queue and assign a RI/LRI to them.

Robot State: Safety Checked (Deprecated)


The Robot will be allowed into the Event Arena for Practice Matches, but not for Qualification.  Note: events run by FIRST LRIs no longer use this state, but some districts may. This state can be skipped over.

Team should ask a RI / LRI / IM to be placed in the queue for Qualification Inspection. 

To advance to the next state, Qualification Checked:

  1. ALL pending weight and perimeter issues must be resolved.
  2. Inspection Checklist items must be completed.  Each must be marked OK or N/A.

·         GMS will allow a team to be advanced, but will display a warning if all items are not completed

·         The number of incomplete items is displayed in the Pending column.

  1. Take pictures of Robot configuration.  Remind team to get re-inspected if they change ANYTHING

·         Add a Picture Note of any component that seems noteworthy

  1. Skip checklist items if they are not compliant and carry on with the inspection.

·         The next RI can pick up where you left off.

·         They would click on the Resume button to display only the Pending items in the checklist.

·         The number of Pending items is displayed in the Team Attribute screen.

  1. Any required re-inspection must be completed.
  2. Use the Log button in the State screen to see who inspected the Robot previously.
  3. Triple tap the Pit Map to display a Match Schedule View.  Robots that are not Qualification checked will be Red.
  4. A Team Compliance form must be signed (also in GMS) by the Team Captain and the Lead Mentor. 

·          Enter their names into the appropriate spots in the Notes screen, as shown in the screenshot.

·         The team goes green in the Pending column

·         A yellow in the Pending column means that inspection is complete, but the form has not been filed.

  1. Compliant?

·         If NOT compliant, the team must correct the issues before they are allowed to participate in Qualification Matches. 

o   The Robot state stays as "Safety Checked", but some of the inspection items will be marked as OK or N/A.

o   RI / LRI can mark an item as "Not OK".  Add a note indicating the problem if it is not obvious.  A picture would be useful.  Long press on "Not OK" to clear it.

o   An RI can escalate the issue to the LRI using the Assign button on the State screen.

o   Tell the team to get back on the Inspection Queue when they are ready

·         If compliant, the team state is advanced to Qualification Checked.

o   RI / LRI issues the team a ceremonial inspection sticker to commemorate team's participation at the Event.

Robot State: Qualification Checked


The Robot will be allowed into the Event Arena for Practice Matches AND for Qualification. 

Any modification or major repair to the Robot will require re-inspection.

A Robot may be marked for Re-Inspection at any time.  Random re-inspections are allowed.  Towards the end of Qualification rounds, LRI should change the Target Inspection State to "Playoff Checked"

After Alliance selection, the eliminated teams will be marked purple

To advance to the next state (Playoff Checked):

  1. Any required re-inspection must be completed.
  2. Robot must be re-weighed.  Any significant weight change must be explained.
    1. When re-weighing a robot with its bumpers on, enter the total weight into the appropriate bumper field. 
    2. GMS will subtract the bumper weight and update the robot weight.
    3. Note that batteries weigh about 13.1 lbs.  Mentally subtract this amount if the robot is weighed with a battery.
  3. Compare the current robot configuration with recorded pictures.
  4. Compliant?

·         If NOT compliant, go fix it.

·         If compliant, the team state is advanced to Playoff Checked.

Robot State: Playoff Checked


The Robot will be allowed into the Event Arena for Playoff Matches.  Any modification or major repair to the Robot will require re-inspection.

Wish them 'Best of luck'.

Flag: Re-Inspection Required


A RI or LRI may set the Re-Inspection flag at ANY time for the following reasons:

  1. The team reported making a change to the Robot
  2. A referee, FTA, RI or LRI reported a rule violation in the Arena and the RI or LRI concurs.
  3. The Robot was damaged and requires a significant repair
  4. An RI or LRI noticed an major error in the initial inspection and is seeking clarification.
  5. The dreaded random re-check

The RI / LRI that flags the issue should add an explanatory note. A picture would be useful.

The team will be highlighted as requiring re-inspection in all RI / LRI tablets.  Any RI / LRI can respond.

The Queue managers will NOT allow the Robot into the Event Arena for ANY Matches (Practice, Qualification or Playoff) until a RI/LRI clears this flag.

To clear this flag:

  1. Re-Inspection should verify that the Robot now meets the rules.
  2. The Robot may be re-weighed if needed
  3. Compliant?

·         If NOT compliant, go fix it.

·         If compliant, clear the flag.  The robot state will revert to its previous state.  Please add a note to explain.

Flag: Re-Check Suggested


A RI or LRI may set the Re-Check flag at ANY time for the following reasons:

  1. An RI or LRI noticed a discrepancy and is seeking clarification.

The RI / LRI that flags the issue should add an explanatory note. A picture would be useful.

The team will be highlighted as requiring re-checking in all RI / LRI tablets.  Any RI / LRI can respond.

The Robot will be allowed to compete in matches.

To clear this flag:

  1. The responding RI / LRI should address the poster's concerns in the note. 

·         If there is no Note, the poster's identity can be found in the Logs.  Talk to the RI.

  1. Issue resolved?

·         If uncertain, escalate to LRI

·         If clearly non compliant, change the flag to Re-Inspection Required.

·         if all OK, then clear the Re-Check flag.  The robot state will revert to its previous state.  Please add a note to explain.


The Help button on each screen has useful context sensitive tips.

If you see too many blue teams on your Pit Map display, you need to de-assign yourself after you are done with a team.

The Game Manual is available by swiping right on the Inspection and Notes screens.  It is searchable.  A PDF copy will also be on the tablet.

The Team Details screen shows you the team's history, including other events the team has signed up for.

Take pictures while weighing-in and after each reconfiguration of robot.

Use the Log.  Knowing what happened is fun, reduces stress, and helps pass time.

Add a note whenever a team is flagged for Re-Inspection or Re-Check.  Explain the issue.

The Resume button (next to Inspect) is handy.  It shows only the checklist items that are still unresolved.

Use the number & colors in Pending column in Team Attributes to track inspection completions.

If you are using a PC (backup) and have a large screen display, put up the live Pit Map to show Inspection states.



© Rajaram Pejaver, July 2014

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